Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jillaroo General Release

After a couple of months of physio I am happy to say I'm 'fighting-fit' - or should I say 'knitting-fit'!!  Hurrah!  To celebrate I started knitting up the pattern Cinnamon (a girl's cardi) for Miss 6 this week.

The Jillaroo sock pattern that was the 1st installment of the Christmas Gift Yarn Club in 2012 is now on general release - you can buy it on Ravelry or through my etsy store

This week's craft group was a bit sobering for me - not the company - some lovely ladies and a good chat and giggle is always had - but a lady had died and left her crafting projects/items - boxes full as I'm sure we all have kicking around the house... anyway it was all kindly passed onto the group but there were many many UFO's in there which got me to thinking what would happen if I dropped dead tomorrow? - I have umpteen various projects on the go at once - all of which I consider important to finish.  How sad to see this lady's unfinished projects sat in boxes all of her ideas & items she wanted to make - I am going to make a concerted effort to organise my projects better and try - ha ha! and do one project at a time in future.

Talking of multiple projects - oops! I bought some lovely cotton fabrics today at the discount table... I am thinking clothing for next Summer for Miss 6...